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Because even
in the
toughest of circumstances, change is possible ...

ISTAC, by Youth Untroubled, is a therapeutic, bespoke, needs-led treatment programme. Alongside providing direct therapeutic work to children and young people, ISTAC therapists work with parents/carers, often several times each week, to empower them to regain control of their child/young person’s difficult and often harmful behaviour. This is achieved by building on the family’s strengths and equipping the parents (and other family members and those in the wider support network) with the tools and confidence to deal with current and future problems. Therapists draw on a range of therapeutic models including CBT, behavioural therapy and family therapy, to address the multiple systemic difficulties and overcome the issues preventing progress towards agreed treatment goals. 


ISTAC therapists work collaboratively with whole networks, and with the systems around the child/young person including schools, peer groups and wider communities to address the factors in each of these systems that may be contributing to the child/young person’s problematic behaviour. 


Therapy takes place in family homes and other environments where the difficulties tend to occur, and therapists work flexible hours, so that the problems can be addressed when they happen, and where they happen. The team are on call 24/7 to ensure plans stay on track and families can access support as and when they need it, especially at the early stages of therapy. 

Headteacher, West Sussex

“When we referred, we were so concerned for the young person's safety. Nothing the family or any professionals tried helped. Youth Untroubled changed that - the difference is incredible. She's home and safe.”

ISTAC includes direct therapy with the child whenever needed ...

Happy Family


  • 12-14 month therapy programme

  • 24/7 intensive & and flexible support for each family and network

  • We identify and tackle the issues that have led to children being at risk of out-of-home placement

  • We directly address ALL parenting difficulties including mental health, substance misuse, domestic violence, and trauma

  • We unlock the potential of wider family networks

  • We work ALONGSIDE other professionals

  • We believe all families have strengths - we identify and develop them

  • We provide direct intervention to children where clinically indicated - a child’s willingness to engage does not determine treatment suitability

  • Minimal exclusion criteria - inclusive of neurodiversity

"I used to worry every time my phone rang, thinking it was a call to say something terrible had happened to my daughter. I was hopeless about her future, about our future as a family. 
Our ISTAC therapist was amazing. She helped us understand why our daughter was behaving the way she was, and making the choices she made. Most importantly, she helped us to change things. 
Things have continued to get better and better - we haven't looked back. Thank you!"

Parent/carer, Sussex

Want to know more?

We accept referrals from local authorities, healthcare trusts, education providers and more, and can deliver ISTAC in person or virtually.

If you'd like to discuss a referral or multi-case commission of ISTAC or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch. 

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